Chiropractors are well known for treating back pain, but as specialists in non-surgical spine care, we also treat neck pain, headaches, sciatica and whiplash. In addition, we treat almost any joint or muscle problems in the body, including: tendonitis, repetitive strain injuries, shoulder, elbow and wrist pain, carpal tunnel problems, hip, knee and ankle/foot pain.

The right combination of treatments is very individual. Our "evidence based" approach takes into account personal preference, research evidence and clinical experience. We will work with you to find the right solution for your problem. 

Treatments Options Include:

Joint mobilization / manipulation

Often referred to as an adjustment, the goal is to normalize joint motion using controlled movements.


Graston Augmented Soft Tissue Mobilization or Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization is a newer treatment that is gaining a lot of athletic followers. The basic premise is to help alleviate scar tissue and adhesions that accumulate after an injury. Both Dr. Bodnar and Dawn Evong, our RMT are Graston Certified.

Massage therapy

Our registered massage therapist, Dawn Evong, uses a variety of different massage techniques to help relax tight muscles, loosen adhesions and improve blood flow. Massages can vary from a relaxing soft massage to a deep therapeutic massage or anything in-between.


Soft tissue therapy

Soft tissue therapy can include trigger point therapy, stretching, relaxation techniques, etc. Soft tissue therapy is often included as part of a chiropractic treatment or massage therapy treatment.

Rehabilitation and Home exercises

Exercise is imperative for long term change. Treatment can take away the pain, but without some exercise effort it is very likely to return. We recommend corrective exercises, core stabilization, balance/proprioception, sports and performance, selfcare & prevention.


Kinesio taping is another popular treatment modality used in the clinic. Kinesio tape can be used to help stimulate support muscles or provide some stabilization to an injured area.


Ergonomic and postural changes

Thinking about our ergonomics and making postural changes helps us learn how to avoid the pain and avoid re-injury. Ergonomics is the process of making your work fit you rather than you trying to fit the work.