Midback and chest pain can develop as a result of an injury or as a referral from an internal organ problem. Initial focus is to rule it is possible organ problems. Problems with the gallbladder, kidneys or intestines can refer pain into the back. Lung and heart problems can cause chest pain.
More commonly the problems stem from the muscles, ribs, nerves and spinal joints in the area.
- muscle strain or myofascial irritation
- muscle pain can be dull or sharp
- often aggravated with active movements
- possible in any of the muscles around the upper back, chest or even between the ribs

- often pain under the shoulder blade and/or into the chest
- frequently feel pain with deep breaths
- very common
- typically sore more centrally
- can be sharp or dull pain
- often aggravated with different movements
Nerves travel around the chest between ribs, and depending on the location of the injury pain can also refer into the shoulder, arm, neck, abdomen or lower back.
Treatment must always start with an appropriate diagnosis.
Treatments should focus on the underlying cause of the pain - both the tissue causing the pain as well as the factors that are triggering the problem. A combination of treatments, such as, massage, soft tissue treatments (Graston), manipulation/mobilization and/or home stretching exercises can be effective ways to reduce the tissue irritation.
We identify any aggravating factors and help you manage any issues through a program of self-care and prevention.
For a clinical assessment of your upper back and chest pain, the triggers and best treatment options, please contact Bedford Chiropractic for an appointment.